Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Mangalore University Second Semester B.B.M Degree Examination

Reg. No.
Credit Based Second Semester B.B.M. Degree
April/May 2013
(2011-12 and Earlier Batches)

Time : 3 Hours                                                                                                      Max. Marks : 80
Note : Follow the instructions strictly.
SECTION — A (one mark each)
Answer any ten questions.
1. a) What do you mean by monopsony ?
b)   What is Delphi method ?
c)   What is meant by decision making ?
d)   Define managerial economics.
e)   Give the meaning of price discrimination.
f)    How do you obtain average revenue ?
g)   Define marginal rate of technical substitution.
h)   Give the meaning of opportunity cost.
i)     What do you mean by demand forecasting ?
j)     How do you find out average fixed cost ?
k)   What is marginal cost ?
I) What do you mean by oligopoly ?

SECTION — B (5 marks each)
Answer any five in not more than 2 pages each.                                                      (5x5=25)
2.      Explain the characteristics of monopoly.
3.      Explain the properties of ISO-Quants. 
4.   Explain the role and responsibility of managerial economist.

5.   Explain the objectives of capital budgeting.
6.   Explain the features of oligopoly.
7.   Define monopoly. Discuss the different forms of monopoly.
8.   Write a note on Baumol's sales maximisation model.
SECTION — C (15 marks each)
Answer should not exceed 6 papers each.                                                                        (15x3=45)
9.   Discuss the different methods of demand forecasting.
Explain the process of price and output determination under perfect competition.
10.     Explain the cosf-output relationship in the short run. Give  reasons for u-shape  of the short run average cost curve.
State and explain the law of variable proportions.
11.     Explain the internal economies and diseconomies of scale that arise in production.
What is monopolistic competition ? Explain the determination of price and out-put under monopolistic competition.

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